Reseña. Living Boundaries: Frontiers and Identity in the Basque Country
Egilea: Zoe Bray Argitaletxea: Center for Basque Studies. University of Nevada, Reno, 2011 Orrialde kopurua: 299 ISBN: 978-1-935709-17-6 Ezaugarriak: In Living Boundaries, Zoe Bray studies the construction of identity in Bidasoa-Txingudi, a small region in the Basque Country straddling the international frontier between France and Spain and comprised of the towns of Hendaia, Irun and Hondarribia. Taking as a focal point a cross-frontier cooperation project designed to transcend national, cultural, social and political differences in a context of disappearing frontiers and attempts to promote European integration, the book analyzes the way politicians draw on “culture” and “identity” for popular legitimacy and the obstacles that impeded the development of a sense of common togetherness. Following the tradition of social anthropological research, the book is laced with rich ethnographic accounts tied to contemporary socio-political issues. It challenges ideas of fixed identity among people who belong to apparently homogenous groups and suggests rethinking the concept of identity in terms of a configuration of boundaries that are constantly drawn, crossed and reinterpreted in the course of everyday social interaction. For this new edition, the autor presents a news preface and afterword discussing the evolution of the area and of the research project since the book’s original publication in 2004, and leading to the conclusion that as old boundaries disappear, human beings erect news ones, providing a rich and changing landscape of identities in this singular region.
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