27 Zenbakia 1999-03-26 / 1999-04-09

Irakurlearen Txokoa

Irakurlearen Txokoa

Irakurlearen Txokoa Hello, Your publications are impressive. Is there any demand for an English translation for your articles? Unfortunately, most of the members of our Basque Club who have Internet access are English speakers. Any information regarding an English translation would be appreciated. Regards, Robert Acheritogaray President, San Francisco Basque Club Sail honetan irakurleek bidalitako iritzi eta artikuluak kaleratuko ditugu. Parte hartu nahi izanez gero helbidera bidali. En esta sección se publicarán las opiniones y articulos que envíen nuestros lectores. Si desea participar envíelos a Dans cette section seront publiés les opinions et les articles envoyés par nos lecteurs. Merci d'adresser vos textes au au cas oú vous souhaiteriez participer. In this section will be published the articles and opinions sent by the readers. If you would like to take part please send them to